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Saturday, November 9, 2024 at 8:00 PM PST

× By Jani Lauzon and Kaitlyn Riordan

A Belfry Theatre and Canadian Stage joint production in association with The Stratford Festival

It’s 1939, the year of King George’s first Royal Tour of Canada, and rumour has it that a Residential School in Northern Ontario is on the itinerary. As the Welsh English-teacher rehearses her students for a performance of All’s Well That Ends Well for the King, the Indigenous actors discover surprising parallels between their various cultures and Shakespeare’s script—and set out to make his bittersweet comedy their own.

Tickets for this event are PAY WHAT YOU CAN. Online prices are suggestions only. For more pricing options, call the box office (250-385-6815). A $2.00 CIF + GST will be added to the price of each ticket.


Belfry Theatre
1291 Gladstone @ Fernwood
Victoria BC V8T 1G5

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